PinnedA Proposed Information–Based Modality for the Treatment of Cancer — Telling the Tumor to…There are many different ways to treat cancer, but most of them involve physical manipulation of the cancer cells. For example, there is…Sep 11, 2022Sep 11, 2022
PinnedPublished inScience and PhilosophyFunctional versus Explanatory Models for LearningLearning is the creation of a cognitive model from experience. In machine learning, there are a number of different types of these models:Jan 16, 2022Jan 16, 2022
PinnedPublished inScience and PhilosophyIs Free Will Absolute?Heather’s Highland Mis-chief was a pedigreed West Highland White Terrier.Oct 2, 2021Oct 2, 2021
PinnedPublished inScience and PhilosophyIs consciousness quantized?What is the relationship between the world of ideas and the world of matter?Oct 11, 20202Oct 11, 20202
PinnedPublished inSharing ScienceStructure Encoding in DNA — What is the Junk DNA used for?Many people consider most of the genome as “Junk DNA”. It’s anything but junk.Jul 18, 2021Jul 18, 2021
Most Inherited Diseases Are Not Caused By Errors In The GenesI keep on seeing statements in the genetics literature like this [1]:Jan 2Jan 2
As someone who knows how to focus, I also know that focus, like everything, should be done in…"That’s why we should resolutely commit the whole series of the sacred scriptures to memory and go over them all the time. This nonstop…Nov 27, 20241Nov 27, 20241
In terms of recovery of the job market for software developers, the next five years are going to be…The upshot of the introduction of these systems is this: 80% of coders - the least creative coders - will be out of work because they have…Sep 28, 20243Sep 28, 20243
We seem to be thinking along the same lines.Quantum Speculations (supplement to the International Journal of Quantum Foundations), Volume 1, Number 1, October 2019, Pages 1-31.Sep 20, 20241Sep 20, 20241
Excellent article. 28, 2023Jan 28, 2023